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[STDS-802-11-TGBE] CR doc 11-21-2009-01

Hi all,


              I have uploaded the revision of 11-21-2009-01




After further offline discussion, we have identified that definition change and number of supported affiliated STAs is the core of the debate.


As a result, we decide to separate the texts into 3 items. Summary below. Please let me know if you have any comments/questions on this CR doc.





Texts with CID tag 6636: This handles the texts needed for MLD to operate with one or more links due to link removal

Note that we directly add texts to clarify that “operate with one or more“ is allowed without touching the definition.


Texts with CID tag 5293: This handles the texts needed to have MLD association with one link due to AP MLD support 2.4/5 and non-AP MLD supports 5/6


Texts with CID tag 6624: This handles the fundamental debate of definition change, MLD mandatory and number of supported affiliated STAs. Two options are listed.






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