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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Discussion on CID 6988


Hi Abhi,


The new proposed change looks as though, for an EHT STA, those elements are allowed in any case.

The point here should be on the notification of the operating 6 GHz channel itself.

May need further polish, but something like “A STA 6G shall not transmit … for the notification of the operating 6 GHz channel(s).”


Best regards,




From: Abhishek Patil <appatil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2022 12:28 PM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Discussion on CID 6988


Hi All,


During Thursday’s TGbe MAC call, we ran out of time and couldn’t conclude the discussion on CID 6988.



Sanghyun Kim


11ax spec says "A STA 6 G shall not transmit HT/VHT Capabilities/Operation element". Need to allow 6 GHz reporting STA to transmit HT/VHT elements for reported STA (of the same MLD).

As in comment


Rojan had concerns making changes to clause 26 as it relates to HE. However, all EHT STAs are HE STAs and TGbe has already been making several changes within this clause which are EHT specific (e.g., D1.4 P335 L16, L30, L46, L53 etc). Therefore, I propose the following change as a resolution to this CID: General


A STA 6G, that is not an EHT STA, shall not transmit an HT Capabilities element, VHT Capabilities element, HT Operation element, VHT Operation element, or an HE Operation element that contains a VHT Operation Information field.


I’d like to hear your thoughts/opinions.




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