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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Discussion on More Data Ack (11-22/1043r4)

Thanks Guogang for your hard work and for triggering this discussion thread.


As I mentioned in yesterday’s call, I have two main concerns with the procedure:


1.      To leverage the procedure, the STA needs to have downlink traffic. Further, the downlink traffic load will also come into play. STAs that have a high downlink traffic load can have more frequent downlink transmissions and thus more opportunities for making the indication in the BA.

2.      The procedure will create an unfair bias for STAs that have downlink traffic. Such STAs may not necessarily have latency sensitive traffic.

3.      The main goal of the procedure is to reduce the delay as indicated in the comment. Could you provide some analysis on how this kind of a procedure will reduce delay? Intuitively, it feels this will reduce delay for STAs that have downlink traffic only which may not be so much beneficial if they don’t have latency sensitive traffic.





From: huangguogang <huangguogang1@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2022 8:13 PM
To: Rubayet Shafin <r.shafin@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Peshal Nayak <p.nayak@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Duncan Ho <dho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Cariou, Laurent <laurent.cariou@xxxxxxxxx>; Jarkko Kneckt <calendarserver01+261100ee-e7b0-4521-8ebc-2c607c41b63b@xxxxxxxxx>; Chunyu Hu <chunyuhu@xxxxxx>; STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Discussion on More Data Ack (11-22/1043r4)


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Hi all,


I’d like to initiate this thread to discuss the CR document (11-22/1043r4) which is presented in today’s TGbe MAC call.


Please let me know your comments/questions.




Guogang Huang




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