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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Announcement: Motions for TGbe on Wednesday 14th of December 2022 - Reminder

Hi Alfred,

I am resending my email here for everyone’s perusal. Could you please run the Motion separately for the following CIDs in doc 11-22/1335 for which SP was deferred?

13587    10039    10863    12726    12728    12892    13588    13813

The comment due to which I deferred SP was inaccurate in after thought, and the commenter was unresponsive to follow-up. So I would like to just run the vote as is. I have upload 11-22/1335r6 to the reflector, which only includes the changes corresponding to these CIDs and removed others (for ease of reading). For the other CIDs in Motion 484 assigned to me please find below the resolution text: 





Proposed Change





11be SPEC should have a resolution  to address the initial frame overlapped with goup addressed frame  reception.
e.g. EMLSR non-AP MLD indicates the group addressed frame receving link to AP MLD,
so that AP MLD know when and where to send the initial frame.

the commenter will provide a resolution on this.


The group could not reach consensus on the need for a mechanism to indicate the link where an EMLSR non-AP MLD intends to receive group addressed frames.




A mechanism for an EMLSR nonAP MLD to reliably receive beacon frames and other group addressed frames, without significantly hindering data traffic reception is required.

Define a mechanism where an EMLSR nonAP MLD can negotiate a primary link for receiving group addressed frames via an indication in the EML operating mode notification frame.


The group could not reach consensus on the need for a mechanism to indicate the link where an EMLSR non-AP MLD intends to receive group addressed frames.




"...where the non-AP STA intends to receive the group addressed frames."
Please add the field in the EML Operating Mode Notification frame to indicate the STA that intends to receive the group addressed frames as the optional feature.

As in the comment.


The group could not reach consensus on the need for a mechanism to indicate the link where an EMLSR non-AP MLD intends to receive group addressed frames.




From: Alfred Asterjadhi <asterjadhi@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2022 7:54 PM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Announcement: Motions for TGbe on Wednesday 14th of December 2022 - Reminder


Caution: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


Hello all,


Please consider this e-mail as a gentle reminder for the deadline below:

"Please review the documents included in Motions 480-484, and reply to this e-mail if you would like to identify any of these documents or any particular CID as items that need further discussion. The deadline for sending these e-mails is  December 13th 2022 @10:00am ET."







On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 3:18 PM Alfred Asterjadhi <asterjadhi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello all,

This is an advanced notification that TGbe will run motions during the Joint teleconference scheduled on 14th of December 2022.

Please refer to the document linked below for a preliminary list of all the motions (starting from slide 104) that will be run during the conference call:

Please review the documents included in Motions 480-484, and reply to this e-mail if you would like to identify any of these documents or any particular CID as items that need further discussion. The deadline for sending these e-mails is  December 13th 2022 @10:00am ET.


A list of these requested items will be queued for discussion and run as a separate motion (Motions >485) during the same Joint conference call.
Contributions that have not received a request for further discussions will be part of their respective cumulative motion and will be run at the same Joint conference call. 


In addition, POCs/Assignees are invited to review the CIDs that are listed in the 11-22/1773r11 and 11-22/1849r0 that are prepared for the CIDs that are in quarantine (these are CIDs that were discussed up to September 17th of 2022, and included in Motion 483, and those that were discussed up to October 31st of 2022, and included in Motion 484). 

POCs are invited to do the following by the end of next week (by December 11, EOB ET) :

- Identify any CIDs for which a request for SP was sent until Friday 02, 2022 or is pending for SP. These CIDs will be placed on hold (i.e., removed from Motion 452) until the SP is run.  

- Provide notes from the discussions for the other CIDs so that we can populate the proposed resolution column with the technical arguments that the group had on that particular CID. 

  • More specifically the following POCs are requested to provide technical notes for the CIDs listed in the docs below:
    • Kumail for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1463 that are listed in Motion 483, 
    • Jason for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1250 that are listed in Motion 483,
    • Vishnu for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1335  that are listed in Motion 484,
    • Abdel for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1373 that are listed in Motion 484,
    • Minyoung for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1381 that are listed in Motion 484,
    • Duncan for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1454, 11-22/1457 that are listed in Motion 484,
    • Gaurang for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1477 that are listed in Motion 484,
    • Liwen for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1500, 11-22/1501, 11-22/1503 that are listed in Motion 484,
    • Yongho for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1509 that are listed in Motion 484,
    • Subir for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1582 that are listed in Motion 484,
    • Abhi for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1586 and 11-22/1690 that are listed in Motion 484,
    • Ming for CIDs discussed in 11-22/1746 that are listed in Motion 484

If you have any comments and/or questions please let me know.

Best Regards,




Alfred Asterjadhi, PhD

IEEE802.11 TGbe Chair,

Qualcomm Technologies Inc.

Cell #:    +1 858 263 9445

Office #: +1 858 658 5302



Alfred Asterjadhi, PhD

IEEE802.11 TGbe Chair,

Qualcomm Technologies Inc.

Cell #:    +1 858 263 9445

Office #: +1 858 658 5302

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