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[STDS-802-11-TGBF] IEEE 802.11bf motion request

Hi Tony,

Would you please run the two motions below?

The corresponding SPs were conducted on June 29th with the following results: 19/3/15 and 20/1/11, respectively. 


Motion to add the following statement to the SFD:

• The Sensing Session is pairwise and is identified by MAC addresses and/or associated AID/UID?

• 11bf shall define an optional negotiation process in the sensing setup phase for a sensing initiator and a sensing responder to exchange and agree on operational parameters associated with a sensing session. The initiator may maintain multiple sensing sessions.


Motion to add the following statement to the SFD:

• The Measurement Setup ID may be used to identify attributes of the sensing measurement instances

• The Measurement Instance ID may be used to identify the sensing measurement instance that utilizes attributes of the same Measurement Setup ID

• The Dialog Token field may be a possibility to contain both IDs


Best  regards,

Solomon Trainin



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