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[STDS-802-11-TGBF] 答复: Writing status spreadsheet

Hi Tony, Claudio and all,


Please note that the PDT for Topic 12: Sensing measurement setup termination was already uploaded.

The document number is: 11-22/0126r0.

Please update the writing status in 11-22/0009, thanks!


Best regards,



发件人: stds-802-11-tgbf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <stds-802-11-tgbf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 代表 Hanxiao (Tony, WT Lab)
发送时间: 2022129 15:10
收件人: STDS-802-11-TGBF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: 答复: Writing status spreadsheet


Dear all,

         As we agreed, our goal is/was to have baseline documents (for topics in the initial list) uploaded by today. If you are a POC and haven’t done so yet, let Claudio and/or me know if you’re having any issues.  We may be able to help.


         Happy Chinese New YearJ


Best Regards : )

Tony Xiao Han


发件人: Claudio Da Silva [mailto:000015f3cbee3aeb-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
发送时间: 2022129 3:41
收件人: STDS-802-11-TGBF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: [STDS-802-11-TGBF] Writing status spreadsheet




Please find a revised writing status spreadsheet here:

I will take the opportunity and remind the group that our goal is/was to have baseline documents (for topics in the initial list) uploaded by today.  If you are a POC and haven’t done so yet, let me and/or Tony know if you’re having any issues.  We may be able to help.

Have a great weekend/holiday,



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