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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBF] Baseline document for the MLME TTT

Hi Rojan,

Thank you for raising the question.

I believe that the discussion allows a better understanding of the sensing basics.

Please see below my interpretation of the issue.

I see a few differences between ranging and sensing:

In the ranging

1. the report is of a single type

2. the report belongs to the last measurement and is reported in the same "SIFS" instance

3. it is the result of the single measurement

4. there is no identification of the report, like setup ID and instance ID to distinguish the report among several saved reports

In the sensing:

1. more than one type of report exists

2. the report may be delayed and reported later in another instance

3. more than one result may be delivered in one report

4. the result is identified per the setup ID/report type, and the instance ID

5. The measurement result may be consumed by the responder

"For the case when the sensing initiator is the sensing transmitter, the reporting of sensing measurement results to the sensing initiator is optional. (motion 60)"

There is the summary of my observation

Ranging: The direct MAC feedback w/o SME involvement is the best suitable presentation of the ranging interaction


It is more like the spectrum management and radio measurement (see 6.3.13 Protocol layer model for spectrum management and radio measurement)

The SME on the responder side is suitable to present the body responsible for the processing of the measurement results to respond with one or more report types.

It enables delivery of the results to the application for further utilization (p.5)


Best  regards,

Solomon Trainin



From: Rojan Chitrakar <rojan.chitrakar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, February 7, 2022 6:56 AM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBF] Baseline document for the MLME TTT


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Hi Claudio,


Thanks for the hard work on this. I have a question for the circled portion below (MLME-SENSTBREPOTRQ):

While I agree that setup and termination should go up to the SME, I do not understand why the SME needs to be involved in the reporting phase. Shouldn’t this be handled within the MAC? Even for delayed reporting case, I struggle to think of a reason why the SME needs to be involved. If the SME is involved, does it mean the measurement report is prepared by the SME (and not by the MAC)?




There are no such MLMEs for BF reports, and even in 11az, the feedback for FTM is handled within the MAC:






From: Claudio Da Silva <000015f3cbee3aeb-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 2:24 AM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBF] Baseline document for the MLME TTT




I have just uploaded the baseline document for the MLME TTT, which can be found here:

It should be noted that the contents of this document are still being discussed by TTT.  If you have any comments, send me/us a note.  We will bring the document to TGbf when appropriate.





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