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[STDS-802-11-TGBF] Motion Request


Hi Tony,


could you please add the following motion to the 11bf motion list


  • Move to approve resolutions to the following CIDs listed in the following document and incorporate the text changes into the latest TGbf draft:

      CID: 538, 96, 494,539, 785, 888, 158, 289, 757, 347, 758, 497, 542, 579, 889, 122, 157, 759, 883, 882, 540, and 908


      as specified in 22/1330r2 CC40 CR for clause

  • Move: Dongguk Lim                       Second:



      Related document 22/1330r2

      SP Result:  Approved unanimously.


Best regards,




Dongguk Lim

Chief Technology Officer IoT Connectivity Standard Task/Professional

LG Electronics Inc

19, Yangjae-daero 11-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

M.82-10-8996-4690  E.dongguk.lim@xxxxxxx



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