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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBF] Motion request

Hi Tony,


Could you please add the following motions to the queue? Thanks.

The corresponding SPs were unanimously supported by the group.


l  Motion 1

Move to approve resolutions to the following CIDs listed in the following document and incorporate the text changes into the latest TGbf draft:

CIDs: 1053 1153 1155 1281 1412 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1584 1586 1587 1680 1691 1692 1870 1871 1891 1937 2256 2267

in 11-23/01071r1 Comment Resolutions for 11bf D1.0 Sensing Measurement Report Container field CIDs



Best Regards,

Rojan Chitrakar

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