Dear all,
I forward the following “Email about the Requirements for documents posted to the Mentor server” from Dorothy.
Please try to use the right document format and follow the rulesJ
Best Regards : )
Tony Xiao
发件人: Dorothy Stanley [mailto:dstanley1389@xxxxxxxxx]
发送时间: 2023年8月24日
收件人: STDS-802-11@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: [STDS-802-11] Reminder: Requirements for documents posted to the Mentor server
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---Dear 802.11 members,This is a reminder of the document requirements for uploading
a document to the mentor server.Please see for the rationale and requirements
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
This is a reminder of the document requirements for uploading a document to the mentor server.
Please see for the rationale and requirements on any document posted to the 802.11 mentor server. Document templates are available from the "Document->IEEE 802.11 Document Templates" links on the main webpage.
Thank you, let me know of any questions.
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