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[STDS-802-11-TGBN] Straw poll text on Dynamic Sub-band Operation (DSO)

Dear all,


During the March meeting, we ran a straw poll on Dynamic Sub-band Operation (DSO), which was a converged SP among the authors of - 11-22/2204, 11-23/2141 (Sindhu & Shubho), 11-23/843 (Liuming), 11-23/1496 (Kaiying), 11-23/1892 (Gaurang), 11-23/1913 (DongJu), 11-23/1935 (Liwen), 11-23/2027 (Vishnu), 11-24/591 (Morteza).


The SP text was as follows:

Do you agree that TGbn will define a mechanism where a non-AP STA can be allocated resources dynamically (i.e., on a per-TXOP basis) outside of its current operating bandwidth and within the associated AP’s BSS bandwidth?


Based on the number of Yes votes on the straw poll, the group sees value in DSO. However, the SP couldn’t gather sufficient votes to pass. I have worked on addressing known comments/questions and providing clarifications. If there are any further comments and/or questions, please let me know and I will be more than happy to work on those.




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