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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Joint or MAC Queue request

Hi Alfred,

Could you help put the following contributions to the agenda?

24/934  seamless roaming based on FT protocol (MAC: Roaming)

24/1034 some thoughts on security enhancement (MAC: Security)

24/1075 MAP coordination follow up (MAC: MAP)

24/1076 some thoughts on preemption(MAC: Preemption)


Best Regards

Jay Yang (杨志杰)

From: INOUEKyosuke <kyosuke_inoue@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: STDS-802-11-TGBN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <STDS-802-11-TGBN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Date: 2024年06月24日 10:36
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Joint or MAC Queue request

Hi Alfred,


Could you please add the following document which I uploaded to the Joint or MAC queue?

  • 2024              1057      0            TGbn     Thoughts on Roaming for 11bn              Kyosuke Inoue (Sharp)


Best regards,

Kyosuke (Sharp)

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