Please let me know if I missed anything from the queues (ported from the F2F november queues), such as missing contribution, wrong topic classification, missing links, etc.
Please note that queue ordering and agendas are organized following the usual routines:
- Submissions ordered per-DCN, and distribution is on a per-topic basis
- Sunday (start of each F2F) deadline used to determine the cut-offs.
Note that as a side effect of merging two previous cut-offs into one queue there is a shift in the DCN order appearances. Similarly the same has happened when a DCN was in one cut-off, was deferred and then asked to be added back to the queue (as part of
the subsequent cut-off).
As we prepare for these telcos, please take notice/act on the following:
1) Check that the presentations are properly classified and that they are uploaded to the server as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Presentations that are not uploaded in time will be removed from the queues,
and will lose their current priority (i.e., will be added as part of the ongoing cut-off).
2) Some topics have a lot of contributions (in particular in MAC) and from the title of these contributions they seem to discuss similar concepts/issues. If your contribution falls in this category then please check with the other members if there is
room for harmonization/consolidation (co-authoring, harmonized SPs, etc).
3) In order to discuss as many MAC contributions as possible during the telcos, the time allocated per presentation will be limited to 15-20 mins (5 extra minutes available if the member wants to run an SP). So please make sure that you present your
contribution within this time limit and that you leave enough time for any Q&As during the teleconference call. If no time is left for Q&As after your presentation then the TGbn reflector is a great tool to seek feedback from members.
Let me know if you have any questions and enjoy the holidays.