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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Agenda for January F2F

Hi Xiandong ,


Sorry for the late response,

Why do you think “should” is not sufficient?




From: 贤东 <dongxiandong@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2025 3:58 PM
To: Akhmetov, Dmitry <Dmitry.Akhmetov@xxxxxxxxx>
转发: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Agenda for January F2F


Hi Dmitry,


It seems that you missed my previous E-mail, take a look.


Best regards



发件人: 董贤东
发送时间: 2025110 9:51
收件人: 'Akhmetov, Dmitry' <Dmitry.Akhmetov@xxxxxxxxx>
主题: 回复: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Agenda for January F2F


Hi Dmitry,


Thanks for you effort, I have one clarification question regarding the wording “should” in the sentence “The use of P-EDCA by a UHR STA should balance the impact on STAs that do not use P-EDCA with TBD rules”, but in the motion text is that as below:

I think the wording “shall” instead of “should” is better interpretation of the motion text.


Best regards



发件人: Akhmetov, Dmitry <Dmitry.Akhmetov@xxxxxxxxx>
发送时间: 2025110 5:18
收件人: STDS-802-11-TGBN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Agenda for January F2F


Dear Alfred,


Could you please add the following to the MAC agenda:




SP2 for High Priority EDCA of contribution 1144r1

Do you agree to define HIP EDCA in UHR where a STA with Low Latency traffic may be allowed, based on TBD conditions, to send a Defer Signal (e.g. CTS frame or RTS) to start a protected short contention for pending LL data

  • Conditions to be allowed to send a Defer Signal is TBD
  • STA in HiP EDCA always use RTS/CTS as initial frame exchange and retry.
  • Duration of protected short contention is TBD.
  • Access parameters (AIFSN, CW and the expansion rules) used to transmit the Defer Signal are TBD.
  • The retry count where the Defer Signal is allowed to be sent is TBD
  • Contention parameters for the protected short contention are TBD. The STAs that transmitted a Defer Signal but did not win the protected short contention will initiate a new retry.
  • Low Latency traffic is treated as AC_VO traffic. Other cases are TBD.
  • The solution would provide control on the degree of collisions that may occur while using it and, allows for autonomous randomness or/and controlled by the AP      
  • No new synchronization requirement on STA side




From: Alfred Asterjadhi <asterjadhi@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2025 12:49 PM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Agenda for January F2F


Hello all,


The agenda for the January F2F meeting can be found here.

I plan to upload a revised version that contains the queues up to date (until tomorrow, Friday, 5:00pm PT) and a preliminary spread of the submissions in each session following the usual per-topic arrangement. To make sure that the queues are stable by then, please send me the submission requests by tomorrow, Friday 5:00pm PT).


After that, I will upload the revised version with all received contributions and send the final call for submissions with the usual Sunday deadline.


Last but not least, I received a couple of requests from members that certain submissions, if presented before the PDTs, will help solving some of the TBDs in those PDTs. Now, I dont know how many of those submissions are, and what the impact would be to the agenda since our main priority for this F2F is D0.1 and as such PDT will be prioritized. But if there are a limited number of such submissions then I can see if they can be accounted for prior to the PDTs. In order to have a good estimate please send me a request if any such submission exists to see if this can be reasonably accommodated without impacting the F2F plans. Please send me these notifications by Friday 5:00pm PT as well.






Alfred Asterjadhi, PhD

IEEE802.11 TGbe/TGbn Chair,

Qualcomm Technologies Inc.

Cell #:    +1 858 263 9445

Office #: +1 858 658 5302

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