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[STDS-802-11-TGBN] 答复: [EXT] [STDS-802-11-TGBN] Motion Request for PDT MAC NPCA

Hi Alfred,


Please queue the following motion. I forget to record the SP result. Hope you can add it. Thanks


Do you support to optionally include an QoS Map element within the SCS Response frame transmitted by the AP MLD to update the DSCP-to-UP mapping for UL if the following conditions are true?

        the TID and the User Priority subfields of the Control Info field in the associated QoS Characteristics element are set to different values within 0~7

        the AP MLD and the non-AP MLD supports the QoS map operation


Supporting documents: 24/2123r1


SP results:




Guogang Huang

发件人: Liwen Chu [mailto:liwen.chu@xxxxxxx]
发送时间: 2025114 16:02
收件人: STDS-802-11-TGBN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] [EXT] [STDS-802-11-TGBN] Motion Request for PDT MAC NPCA


Hi Alfred,


Please queue the following motion for the PDT of power save to be added to the TGn draft:

  • Instruct the TGbn editor to incorporate the proposed text changes for power save found in 11-24/2016r3 into the 802.11bn draft amendment

SP result from MAC session: 124Y, 27N, 55A.

 Best Regards,




From: Matthew Fischer <matthew.fischer@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2025 10:29 PM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EXT] [STDS-802-11-TGBN] Motion Request for PDT MAC NPCA


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Hello Alfred,


Please queue the following motion for the PDT for NPCA to be added to the TGn draft:


·       Instruct the TGbn editor to incorporate the proposed text changes for NPCA found in 11-24/1762r23 into the 802.11bn draft amendment


SP result from MAC session: Passed.


Thank you



Matthew Fischer



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