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[STDS-802-11-TGBN] Motion request of BSR enhancement

Hi, Alfred,


Could you help to add the motion as below to TGbn motion agenda?


     Do you agree to define an Enhanced BSR Control subfield in A-ctrl to report a larger per TID queue size?

     The Enhanced BSR Control subfield consists of at least a TID subfield and an unsigned value subfield to report the larger queue size (QS) of the TID

     The reported QS is equal to 2147328 Octets + the value reported in the Queue Size field of the defined Enhanced BSR Control subfield

     When the QoS Control with the same TID as the Enhanced BSR Control subfield is present in the same MPDU, the QS subfield of the QoS Control is set to value 254

     TBD if the Enhanced BSR Control subfield shares the control ID with other Control subfield proposals in UHR

     Note: The baseline rules which regulate HT control field to be the same in all MPDUs of the same frame type in an A-MPDU do not change

     Note: Encoding of the baseline QS subfield in QoS Control does not change.

     Note: Length of the Enhanced BSR Control subfield allows to aggregate the UPH in the same A-Control subfield


Supporting documents: 11-24/0963, 11-23/2007


SP result: No objection.


Thank you!





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