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[STDS-802-11-TGBN] Motion request

Hi Alfred,

Could you please queue the following three motions on Co-TDMA to the TGbn agenda for voting?: 

[M1] Do you agree to amend the text below in the TGbn SFD as follows:

  • Do you agree that a TXOP owner AP shall announce its intention of sharing a portion of the time resource of its TXOP for C-TDMA operation, in an Initial Control frame (exact ICF and name TBD) sent at the beginning of the TXOP and that the frame polls AP(s) with whom it may share the TXOP to determine their interest?
    o  A TXOP owner AP that intends to share its TXOP is referred to as a sharing AP.
    o  A candidate AP identified (polled) in the Initial Control frame is referred to as a polled AP.
    o  The Duration field of the frame is set to the length of time required to transmit the solicited response frame plus one SIFS.
    o  Whether or not the sharing AP is mandated to send the Initial Control frame that announces that intention is TBD.

Supporting documents: 11-23/1895, 11-23/1912r2, 11-24/0423, 11-24/1016, 11-24/1017, 11-24/1225.

SP Result: No objection


[M2] Do you agree that in 11bn, the ICF (polling frame) sent as part of Co-TDMA operation shall be a BSRP Trigger frame?

Supporting document: 11-24/1225r, 11-24/0843r0

SP Result: No objection


[M3] Do you agree that in 11bn, as part of Co-TDMA operation, a poll response from a polled AP solicited by the ICF shall be carried in an M-BA frame?

Supporting document: 11-24/1016r3, 11-24/0843r0

SP Result: No objection



Sanket Kalamkar

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