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[STDS-802-11-TGBN] Motion request

Dear Alfred,

Could you please queue the following motion on P EDCA to the TGbn agenda for voting?: 

[M1] Do you agree to define HIP EDCA in UHR where a STA with Low Latency traffic may be allowed, based on TBD conditions, to send a Defer Signal (it is TBD whether CTS or RTS is used) to start a protected short contention for pending LL data

  • Conditions to be allowed to send a Defer Signal is TBD
  • STA in HiP EDCA always use RTS/CTS as initial frame exchange and retry.
  • Duration of protected short contention is TBD.
  • Access parameters (AIFSN, CW and the expansion rules) used to transmit the Defer Signal are TBD. The retry count where the Defer Signal is allowed to be sent is TBD
  • Contention parameters for the protected short contention are TBD. The STAs that transmitted a Defer Signal but did not win the protected short contention will initiate a new retry.
  • Low Latency traffic is treated as AC_VO traffic. Other cases are TBD.
  • The solution would provide control on the degree of collisions that may occur while using it and, allows for autonomous randomness or/and controlled by the AP      
  • No new mandatory synchronization requirement on STA side
  • HIP EDCA is used by the STAs in a BSS only when this feature is enabled by the AP

Supporting doc: 24/1144r1

SP Result: 150Y, 14N, 70A


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