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[STDS-802-11-TGBP] AMP identification(DCN 11-25/0041r1)

Dear all,

Thank you for your feedback today. Based on the comments received, I have made adjustments to DCN0041, including removing unnecessary information and modifying the SP text. I have uploaded the revision 1 of DCN0041 on the server.

Modified SP text:
Do you agree to add the following text to TGbp SFD? 
11bp supports a MAC mechanism to enable AMP STAs to report their existence or capabilities if needed.
• The detailed capability information is TBD.

Do you agree to add the following text to TGbp SFD?
11bp supports a MAC mechanism to enable an ID to be assigned to an AMP STA based on its reported existence.
• Conditions for ID allocation are TBD.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further opinions.
Best Regards,

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