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[STDS-802-11-TGBP] Agenda request for March F2F Meeting

Dear Bo,

Please add the following contributions to the agenda of the March F2F meeting.

11-25-0321   Follow-up on Sync field for AMP PPDU Ke Wang (OPPO)

11-25-0320   Follow-up on WPT: Protocol, Waveform and PPDU  Yinan Qi (OPPO)

11-25-0319   Correspondence between Energizers and AMP non-AP STAs   Yinan Qi (OPPO)

11-25-0318   AMP Energizer Control    Yinan Qi (OPPO)

11-25-0317   AMP UL Transmission    Yinan Qi (OPPO)

11-25-0316   Follow-up on AMP PPDU Design    Yinan Qi (OPPO)


Best regards,


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