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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBP] Call for SP/MOTION text

Hello Bo,


Please include the following SP,


  • Do you agree to insert the following text in the security sub-clause of the SFD?
    • IEEE 802.11bp will specify secure data communication methods that do not require maintaining security associations.


      • The methods are based on existing 802.11 security protocols.
      • The methods do not apply to backscattering AMP devices.
      • The details are TBD.


Contributions: 11-24/0178, 11-24/0526, 11-24/0871, 11-24/1998, 11-24/1242




Hui Luo

Infineon Technologies



From: sun.bo1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <sun.bo1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 11:05 PM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBP] Call for SP/MOTION text


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Hello, all, 


As planned, we will run SPs and motions in the TGbp closing meeting in Thursday PM1. 


If you plan to run SPs/Motions, please send the SPs/Motions text to the reflector before Thursday PM1 so that I can setup the agenda and the group members could have a chance to review the SPs/Motions before we run them. 


You should also include a note for each SP/Motion to refer contributions related to that SP or Motion text.


Best Regards,






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