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[STDS-802-11-TGM] Minutes and Action items from Sept 28th Conference call

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---
The minutes from that call have been posted:
Here is the list of "Action items" from the Sept 28th Conference call.
1.  ACTION ITEM: CID 301- Jon to talk to Donald Eastlake about his interest on this topic.
2. ACTION ITEM: CID 74- Jouni to look at creating a table in a submission.
3.  ACTION ITEM: CID 213-Mark Rison assigned to research this issue further.
                                                 Other Comments that are related: CID 263, 314, 324,
4. ACTION ITEM: CID 145-Mark RISON to submit a proposal
5. ACTION ITEM:  Dorothy/Mark H. ? To Send A list of about 8 comments that need the PHY group to review and provide input for resolutions.
Comments and feedback welcome,
Jon Rosdahl                          10871 North 5750 West
hm:801-756-1496                   Highland, UT 84003
office: 801-492-4023
A Job is only necessary to eat!
A Family is necessary to be happy!!

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