The File is organized by TABs for Assignees:
David Goodall has 2 CIDs that he promised to provide a resolution: CID 5018 and 5016.
Menzo has 4 GEN CIDs that are included in his 11-20/1045 document that we are discussing: CID 5036, 5035, 5034 and 5014.
Mark RISON has 4 CIDs that are included in his 11-20/0435r14 document: CID 5056,
5048, 5047, and 5046
There are also a tab for 4 CIDs that have an initial proposed resolution to consider: CID 5081, 5079, 5022 and 5007. I hope to present these when I get a chance on the agenda.
If you have comments to help with the resolution, please let us know.
Kind Regards,
Jon Rosdahl Engineer, Senior Staff
IEEE 802 Executive Secretary Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
office: 801-492-4023 10871 North 5750 West
cell: 801-376-6435 Highland, UT 84003
A Job is only necessary to eat!
A Family is necessary to be happy!!