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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGM] Delta SNR and PHY related comments

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---

Thanks for this, Youhan.  Re CID 176 in 21/0822, please note that the comment is suggesting the following change:


Each Delta SNR subfield is a 2s complement signed integer that contains the ΔSNRk,i in dB, computed using Equation (9-2) and quantized to 4 bits in the range –8 dB to 7 dB with 1 dB granularity. The structure of the MU Exclusive Beamforming Report field is shown in Table 9-78 (MU Exclusive Beamforming Report information).


i.e. also deletes "and quantized to 4 bits in the range –8 dB to 7 dB with 1 dB granularity" (since this is duplication of the equation).







Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN   English/Esperanto/Français

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From: Youhan Kim <youhank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, 12 May 2021 23:58
To: STDS-802-11-TGM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGM] Delta SNR and PHY related comments


--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---

Hi, Mike

I have uploaded the following documents resolving comments related to Delta SNR and PHY.  Please add them to the queue (fine with future teleconferences if there is no time this week).


11-21/822 – CC35 Delta SNR Comments

11-21/823 – CC35 PHY Comments





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