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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGM] Thread related to Table E-12 discussion

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---
Hi Andrew, all

Thanks for this contribution. I believe CID 2323 has been assigned to me, but of course inputs are always welcome!

I believe your discussion and proposal relates to two separate aspects:

Allow me to comment on each of those separately.

Regarding (1), despite the (repeated) assertions in 0350r2, the premise of the CID is valid because Annex E.2.7 - including the interpretation of Regulatory Info subfield in Table E-12 - has already been generalized (compared to the baseline text in 11ax-2021) to operation outside the US as per REVme D1.0. The CID is pointing out that, when that generalization was made, the corresponding definition in Clause 9 was not properly updated. 
Slide 8 of 0350r2 talks about â??convergence of regulationsâ?? across countries, however whether or not regulatory domains harmonize on regulatory rules is unrelated to whether or not the field in 802.11 standard is defined for operation in those countries. Note this generalization is not specific to C2C - for example VLP operation is allowed in various countries outside the US and so the REVme D1.0 definition applies to those devices too.

I disagree with a number of other assertions in 0350r2, but in the interests of simplicity will focus on the proposed changes. 

Regarding (2), as mentioned above that is a new feature outside the scope of the CID. 
I am not convinced of the justification for such feature, but even if there is such, I think it should be specified on a channel-specific basis, and there is existing features in the standard (e.g. 11.21.15 Channel Usage procedures) that could be used.


On Mar 10, 2022 at 5:07:30 PM, Andrew Myles (amyles) <00000b706269bb8b-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---

Gâ??day all


Thank you for listening to my submission (11-22-0350-01) related is CID2323 today. I fixed a few typos in 11-22-0350-02.


During the subsequent discussion, I heard various suggestions and concerns. I was asked to start a discussion thread on these topics:

  • C2C needs definition

·       I agree

·       We can probably constrain the definition to E.2.7, similar to what we do for automatic frequency coordination (AFC)

    • Ie just define it as â??client to client (C2C)â??

·       Aside: AFC is defined in 3.4 as automatic frequency control and in E.2.7 as automatic frequency coordination

  • The proposed language â??Receipt of this value shall not used as an enabling signal for C2C operationâ?? is troubling
    • I struggled with this language too
    • Technically it is correct, but the authority for the â??shall notâ?? is really the regulatory authority
    • Maybe alternatives are:
      • â??Receipt of this value is not intended to be used as an enabling signal for C2C operationâ??
      • â??Receipt of this value should not be used as an enabling signal for C2C operationâ??
  • Using all the values (0-7) means we will have no scope to make future changes
    • This is true
    • However, there seems to be some confidence the basic structure in Table E-12 is correct given the lack of objection in the LB, and so the risk seems low (especially after the addition of values 5-6)
    • If it turns out the descriptions need changes in the future then we can use â??none of the aboveâ?? (value 7) as an escape to something else
  • Do we need any of Table E-12?
    • It appears we partially need Table E-12 to enable appropriate signalling for C2C operations
      • Are there other reasons for Table E-12?
    • We could decide to not support C2C in 802.11
      • This will make no immediate difference
        • C2C is not allowed in the US and has been delayed in Europe
      • But could impact how quickly C2C can be deployed when it is allowed
    • My personal preference is to support C2C, but in a manner that can be managed by the infrastructure when required, resulting in:
      • More use  of 6 GHz from enabling C2C
      • More controlled use comes from enabling infrastructure management


I was also asked to look at CID2120, which suggests deleting all of Annex E

  • The comment is from Mark Rison
    • Comment: What an "operating class" does and does not specify seems to depend on the subclause the term is used in
    • Proposed Change: Delete Annex E
  • IMHO this might or might not be a good idea, but it is difficult to see the justification for such a change in the comment
    • Mark, perhaps you could explain your reasoning in more detail?
    • All, could everyone highlight any problems that might occur if we adopt Markâ??s proposal?


Andrew Myles

Manager, Cisco Standards

Andrew Myles
Manager, Enterprise Standards
Phone: +61 2 8446 1010
Mobile: +61 418 656587

Cisco Systems Limited
The Forum 201 Pacific Highway
St Leonards 2065



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