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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGM] Do S1G STAs do SPP?

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---
>> A question arose in the TGme session yesterday: do S1G STAs always send A-MSDUs as SPP A-MSDUs (like DMG STAs, but unlike HT STAs)?

A-MSDU support is optional for S1G STAs. SPP A-MSDU is optional for an S1G STA that supports A-MSDUs. I think that is the case for all non-DMG STAs.

>> If they don't, does anyone actually implement SPP A-MSDUs in S1G STAs?

Unknown. As far as I know, industry is not yet conducting interoperability testing for S1G support of A-MSDUs. If/when that happens SPP A-MSDUs will probably be the requirement.

The above comments apply to PV0 frames. I'm not sure what the context was for the discussion in TGme. Why are we picking on S1G in particular? :-)

If it relates to CID 1555, which concerns A-MSDUs in an S1G PV1 frame, then I think there are definitely issues for A-MSDUs in that context but that is a separate discussion.

- Dave

On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 11:59 PM M Montemurro <montemurro.michael@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Copying the TGm reflector

On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 5:40 AM Mark Rison <m.rison@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



A question arose in the TGme session yesterday: do S1G STAs always

send A-MSDUs as SPP A-MSDUs (like DMG STAs, but unlike HT STAs)?


If they don't, does anyone actually implement SPP A-MSDUs in S1G STAs?







Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN   English/Esperanto/Français

Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre       Tel: +44 1223  434600

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Dave Goodall
Morse Micro

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