| 1008.16 | The terms nonconcealed GCR broadcast Data frames, nonconcealed GCR group address Data frames and concealed GCR frames are used here and appear nowhere else (no instances of "concealed GCR" anywhere else) so I'm wondering whether maybe the terminology is just confusing and the intent is to say "group addressed Data frames that are not GCR frames" for the first two and "GCR frames" for the last? The following definitions exist: concealed groupcast with retries (GCR) frame: A group addressed frame that is transmitted using the aggregate medium access control (MAC) service data unit (A-MSDU) frame format with the destination address (DA) field set to the GCR concealment address. groupcast with retries (GCR) frame: A group addressed frame subject to a GCR agreement between the access point (AP) and at least one station (STA) within the infrastructure basic service set (BSS) or between peer mesh STAs in a mesh BSS. nonconcealed groupcast with retries (GCR) frame: A group addressed frame that is not transmitted to the GCR concealment address. The last of these indicates a "nonconcealed GCR frame" is in fact just a common or garden groupcast frame, nothing to do with GCR except maybe insofar as it's explicitly not being sent under GCR (because not sent to the GCR concealment address? I'm not entirely clear whether you can have GCR frames that are not sent to the GCR concealment address, so I'm not sure the first definition is even needed). | Change "nonconcealed GCR broadcast Data frames" and "nonconcealed GCR group addressed Data frames" to "group addressed Data frames that are not GCR frames" and change "concealed GCR frames" to "GCR frames" | REVISED (MAC: 2022-06-17 14:55:34Z): In the paragraph at the cited location, change "nonconcealed GCR broadcast Data frames" and "nonconcealed GCR group addressed Data frames" to "group addressed Data frames that are not GCR frames" and change "concealed GCR frames" to "GCR frames" |