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[STDS-802-11-TGM] REVme CID 1819 (transmission window)

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---



REVme looked at CID 1819 (copied below) today, as it does not appear to be getting covered in 11-22/0082 (yet) and it looked like it might be easy.  However…


The claim, effectively, is that the technical points made in the bullets that are highlighted in the text below are already requirements for the Buffer Size field in the ADDBA Response that set up the block ack agreement.  On suggestion, I looked at the requirements in subclause 26.4.3, but I don’t see any such requirement/restriction on the Buffer Size.  In fact, I’m finding other places, for example P2273L63 (D1.0) that have phrases like, “…WinSizeB is set to the smaller of 1024 and the value of the MPDU Buffer Size field of the ADDBA Response frame that established the block ack agreement.” (or similar with 64). 


So, at this point, I’m not convinced that these bullets are “not necessary”.  Do you (or anyone on the reflector) have a reference for where there is a requirement that the Buffer Size in the ADDBA Response frame is already restricted to 64, 256 or 1024 (in the appropriate situations), as implied in the comment?


Thanks.  Mark








Proposed Change





"-- The transmission window is not greater than the value in the Buffer Size field of the ADDBA
Response frame.(11ax)
-- The transmission window is not greater than 64 if the sender or receiver of the ADDBA Response
frame is a non-HE STA.(11ax)
-- The transmission window is not greater than 256 if the sender and receiver of the ADDBA Response
frame are HE STAs.(11ax)" -- the last two conditions are not necessary, given conformant implementations.  The limit is the value in the ADDBA Response, full stop

Delete the last 2 bullets, and similarly delete the last 3 bullets in the next list (lines 15-22)



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