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[STDS-802-11-TGM] 11me/D2.0 CIDs 3653, 3654, 3655, 3656 (things you do at a slot boundary)

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---



CIDs 3653-3656 propose to make the changes shown under "Proposed changes:"

for CIDs 1985, 1986, 1535, 1419, 1536 in 22/0353r10.  Please review this

and raise any comments or questions you might have.



"If a STA is permitted to begin a TXOP (as defined in (Obtaining an EDCA TXOP)) and the STA has
at least one MSDU pending for transmission for the AC of the permitted TXOP, the STA shall perform exactly
one of the following actions" -- doesn't allow for pending MMPDUs, or for pending Control and similar frames  (e.g. PS-Poll, QoS Null).  Also "permitted to begin a TXOP" is vague, compared to's "-- Initiate the transmission of a frame exchange sequence."


"At each of the above-described specific slot boundaries, each EDCAF shall initiate a transmission sequence if"
is incompatible with's permission to "Restart the channel access attempt by invoking the backoff procedure".


"g) If explicitly indicated, such as in (Non-AP STA scanning behavior)" should also cover the permission to do a backoff even if you're permitted/required to start a TXOP ("Restart the channel access attempt by invoking the backoff procedure as specified in 10.23.2")


The "do nothing" case should be explicitly spelt out







Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN   English/Esperanto/Français

Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre       Tel: +44 1223  434600

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