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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGM] CIDs 7011, 7014 & 7015

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---
Hi Mark,

There is some ebb and flow here, i.e. we previously gave up five S1G related global operating classes when a particular country decided to re-farm that part of their spectrum. In this particular case we are mainly addressing an issue that is due to not providing guard bands when the original S1G channelization was included in 802.11ah-2016 for countries that accept FCC testing, and not due to countries changing their rules.

However I do share your concern over this particular table. We are currently dependent on a single global operating classes table because certain industry specifications that make use of operating classes assume the use of the global operating classes table and lack the means to specify a different operating classes table. To solve this problem probably requires wider consultation that is outside the scope of the current comment. New bands may open up in future so it is a reasonable topic for study. Such a study might include the method of describing primary and operating channels and related topics.

All that said, there are 63 vendor specific operating classes in the global operating classes table some of which which might be reallocated as an alternative, again after consultation.

Dave G

On Sat, May 11, 2024 at 3:20 AM Mark Rison <m.rison@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---



Thanks for this, Dave.  The discussion gives voice to something I've

been starting to worry about:


Note that there are currently around 120 spare global operating class values in Table E-4. The proposed resolution for CIDs 7011, 7014 and 7015 will use eleven of these.


Do we really need to burn one of our precious global OCs every time

this or that country makes some tweak to their S1G band rules?  Can't

we find a more economical approach?







Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN   English/Esperanto/Français

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From: M Montemurro <montemurro.michael@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, 10 May 2024 15:53
To: STDS-802-11-TGM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGM] CIDs 7011, 7014 & 7015


--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---

You are on for these CIDs on Wednesday AM2.






On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 10:45 AM David Halasz <dave.halasz@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Mike,


Can I have some agenda time for submission 24/816?


This is for CIDs 7011, 7014 & 7015.


Dave H.

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Dave Goodall
Morse Micro

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