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[STDS-802-11] IEEE 802.11 HEW SG Agenda updated

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear all,
The latest version of HEW SG agenda has been uploaded.
We currently have 20 presentations and 6 time slots have been assigned for HEW.
I’ve made a tentative classification of the different presentations and proposed an ordering based on this (with an indication of the anticipated timeslot for each presentation).
The different categories are “scenarios/use cases”, “Problem statement/identification”, “Functional requirements”, “Evaluation methodology/Scenarios and metrics”, “Technical feasibility”.
If the presenters would like to propose modifications for the classification of their presentation, I ask them to send me an e-mail (no need to do it through the reflector).
Please send me also the information if you have some hard constraints on the day of your presentation.
Best regards

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