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[STDS-802-11] FW: 802W 09-2014 Athens -Deadline Approaching July 7

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

Dear 802.11 members,


If you are coming to the September 802.11 session and have not booked your hotel accommodation,  please do so asap.  The email below explains why this is important.


Best Regards,




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From: Bob Heile
Sent: 20 June 2014 00:37
Subject: 802W 09-2014 Athens -Deadline Approaching July 7
Importance: High



Please share with your Groups--

The good news is we are halfway towards meeting our room block at the Hilton Athens for the 802 Wireless Interim September 14-19, 2014. The bad news is we still have half our room block to fill and July 7 is the cut-off date for us to make a 20% block reduction without penalty.  We will be looking closely at the pick-up over the next 10 days. If we are too far from our goal, we will need to reduce the block so if you wait and we do reduce the block, you may not be able to get the group rate later on.

There is no deposit and you can cancel without penalty up to 30 days before your arrival date.  So book now at

You will also need your confirmation number when registering for the Session to qualify for the registration discount ( Another reason to do it now.

Others things to be aware of:  It is hard to predict exactly how many rooms are needed on a daily basis, especially the days just before and after the Session (we call those the shoulder days). Unfortunately we can not adjust the daily blocks automatically. That is a manual process where we need reallocate from the days that have too many to the days that have too few. Arinex looks at this daily and adds to the days that are running low, but if we run out of available rooms on a particular day, and if that happens on a weekend, we can not readjust until the following Monday. The result is you might not see any of the group rate rooms displayed. This may well occur the weekend of July 5,6 since it is just before the July 7 decision point and people tend to wait until the last moment. So please book during next week, if you can, rather than on the weekend. Much less chance of a problem.

If you do encounter a problem and have included shoulder days in your reservation request, try reducing the shoulder days one at a time until you see the group rates offered and book that.  Send your confirmation number and the dates you would like to have to Sara and me (ieee802wireless@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, bheile@xxxxxxxx, sarcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx). Arinex will make the necessary adjustments to your reservation.  Or just send us an email that you encountered difficulties and we will let you know when you can try again. Please include your target dates so we know what you need and can factor that into the block decision.

Thanks for your help and cooperation. Let me know if you have any questions.



Bob Heile, Ph.D
Chairman Emeritus & Chief Technologist, ZigBee Alliance
Chair, IEEE 802.15 Working Group on Wireless Personal Area Networks
Co-Chair IEEE P2030 Task Force 3 on Smartgrid Communications
Chair IEEE 2030.5 Working Group for Smart Energy Profile 2
11 Robert Toner Blvd, Suite 5-301
North Attleboro, MA  02763   USA
Mobile: +1-781-929-4832
email:   bheile@xxxxxxxx


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