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Re: [STDS-802-11] Doodle: Link for poll "Coexistence Lessons Learned"

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---



               This is a result of an 802 liaison sent to 3GPP back in March and then a response from 3GPP to 802 in June.


               You can see the email to Paul from 3GPP on the EC reflector at,


               Paul asked that 802.19 host a meeting to prepare a response to this liaison at the plenary, which we did.  At that meeting it was agreed to develop a presentation on Coexistence Lessons Learned for presentation at a future 3GPP meeting.  So these calls are begin to prepare such a presentation.  Paul requested that the presentation be ready by the November Plenary.


               There is no focus on TVWS.  It is more about coexistence lessons learned, since the email from 3GPP requested that topic.


               Hopefully, you will be able to attend the call.





From: Stephen McCann [mailto:mccann.stephen@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:08 AM
To: Shellhammer, Steve
Cc: STDS-802-11@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11] Doodle: Link for poll "Coexistence Lessons Learned"



         can you provide a little more background to this please.

I'm guessing that:

1) This is being driven by IEEE 802.19

2) The intent is to consider LTE / TV White Spaces co-existence

and what is the deadline for when this presentation should be ready by. Is it short term (e.g mid August) or long term (e.g. end of November) ?


Kind regards



On 22 July 2014 18:17, Shellhammer, Steve <sshellha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---


        I am running a Doodle Poll to find a good time for conference calls on "Coexistence Lessons Learned" for a presentation at a future 3GPP meeting.

        I have sent this out rather broadly, to make sure everyone is aware of the poll.  I have attempted to avoid conflicts with groups (e.g. 802.11) which have a number of conference calls.  I have also selected times which work in a number of time zones.  The Doodle Poll allows you to select your time zone.  I believe if you do not make a change the default is PDT.  Make sure to check the time zone.

        Once we identify one or two dates/times  I will schedule calls, probably every other week.  I will check the Doddle Poll towards the end of this week to see what dates and times work best, and then I will send out the schedule.


-----Original Message-----
From: Doodle [mailto:mailer@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:01 AM
To: Shellhammer, Steve
Subject: Doodle: Link for poll "Coexistence Lessons Learned"

You have initiated a poll "Coexistence Lessons Learned" at Doodle. The link to your poll is:

Share this link with all those who should cast their votes. Do not forget to cast your vote, too.
(If you did not initiate this poll, somebody must accidentally have used your e-mail address; simply ignore this e-mail, please.)


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