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[STDS-802-11] TGmd May 2017 agenda posted; call for TGmd Vice Chair nominations, editor volunteers

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

The TGmd agenda for the upcoming May meeting is now posted, see . 3 timeslots are allocated (Mon/Tues/Weds PM2) with the intent to issue a call for comments on the recently approved standard (initial TGmd draft). We will have time for presentations, so let me know if you plan to bring a presentation.

With this email, nomination are open for TGmd Vice chair positions. Historically, TGm maintenance task groups have had 2 vice chairs, one of whom serves as secretary. TGmd will consider whether to continue or modify this arrangement at the May meeting.

A call for volunteers for is open for the editor position(s). In TGmc we had an editor and 2 sub-editors, and we'll discuss the editor arrangements for TGmd in May also.




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