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Re: [STDS-802-11] how to get to Daejeon

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Hi Dan,

The below is a KTX train schedule on May 7th from Incheon Airport to Daejeon .
Second column is a train number and third column is a depature time on Incheon Airport and fourth column is an arrival time on Daejeon station.

When you arrives at Daejeon station, you have to take a taxi, it is not a walking distance.
And, an english pronunciation of Lotte City Hotel is not matched well in Korean. A taxi driver may not understand it if you speak in Lotte. The most similar pronunciation is Lot-day City Hotel.

the below is the address of Lotte City Hotel in Korean.   
대전광역시 유성구 엑스포로 123번길 33, 롯데시티호텔대전

the below is the address of ICC hotel in Korean.   
대전광역시 유성구 도룡동 4-29, 호텔ICC


2017-04-20 14:52 GMT-07:00 Harkins, Daniel <daniel.harkins@xxxxxxx>:
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---




  Does anyone have any information on getting to the upcoming interim meeting in



  For instance:

    - Does anyone know the train schedules from Incheon to Daejeon? I found one that

      sort of matched my arrival in Incheon but the "ticket info" link gave me the jpeg

      shown below.

    - Is it possible to purchase tickets in Incheon airport? Are there any weird logistics

      to deal with? (Like the ticket machine for the RER in CDG that doesn't take cash

     and requires a chip-and-pin credit card)

    - googling on how to get there has links that say to take a bus (3 hrs) but I'd rather

       take a train if it's possible. Is the bus better for some reason?

    - How far is the Daejeon train station from the two hotels? Walking distance?


  If anyone has any information that they could share I'd be very appreciative!







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Attachment: KTX_schedule.PNG
Description: PNG image