--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
I would like to nominate Hitoshi Morioka as vice chair.
He has been contributed basic idea of BCS in WNG and the founder of this SG.
He has enough experience of SG/TG leadership during FIA-SG and TGai.
BR Hiroshi Mano
On 2018/03/10 6:28, Marc Emmelmann wrote:
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear all,
during the March 2018 face-to-face meeting, the Broadcast Services
discussed extending the leadership of the group and having a call for
for *two Vice Chair positions*.
I would hence like to issue a
*Call for nominations for BCS Vice Chair*
_Self-nominations_ as well as _nominations of colleagues_ willing to
fill the positions
are welcome. Please _send_ your _nomination_ _to the BCS Chair _(Marc
emmelmann@xxxxxxxx <mailto:emmelmann@xxxxxxxx>) _and to the 802.11-WG
e-mail reflector_.
The *call for nominations will close as one of first agenda items in
the opening*
*session of the BCS SG during the May face-to-face meeting*.
Elections for the BCS Vice Chair will consecutively be held during the
May meeting.
Looking forward to seeing you in May in Warsaw,
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Phone: +81-3-6890-0594 FAX: +81-3-6866-5706
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