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[STDS-802-11] Next Generation Spectrum Management

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

Dear IEEE 802.11 members: 

I have just uploaded a presentation for the September IEEE 802.11 WNG SC meeting in September: It is a follow-up the July presentation that Stephen McCann was kind enough to present for me. I have also attached a copy. 

Currently I do not have sponsorship to attend the Waikoloa meeting, nor do I have presenter to deliver it in my place. I believe this is a critical issue facing the future of unlicensed spectrum usage, which could slow down the adoption of the new standards we are developing. 

I am hoping to find a sponsor so I can present it and answer all of the questions about it.  As this will be a more detailed discussion of the topic, I will not ask for someone to present it in my stead. 

Please review it and send me your comments. I would like to see IEEE 802 lead this project. We have real credibility with the FCC.


Rich Kennedy
President & Chief Regulatory Officer
Unlicensed Spectrum Advocates

+1 (737) 202-7014


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Attachment: 11-18-1386-00-0wng-next-generation-spectrum-management.pptx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation