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Re: [STDS-802-11] IEEE 802.11 Mandatory Technical Letter Ballot 243 for P802.11ba Draft 4.0 Starts Today

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear all,

The recirculation letter ballot 243 closes on Tuesday October 15, 2019 at 23:59 Eastern Time USA (11:59pm). 

When you are submitting comments, please refer to the following document regarding the comment resolution guide: I've copied section 2.8 regarding what are considered as valid comments below. 

I've also highlighted below the additional requirements for a recirculation letter ballot for a comment to be valid.

"2.8 Valid vs invalid comments
For a comment to be valid:
• It needs to identify where the issue is in the draft
• It needs to identify what the issue is
• It needs to identify a proposed change in sufficient detail that the CRC can readily identify changes that they would reasonably expect to satisfy the commenter.   The wording from the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual (2010 p24) is: “This vote must be accompanied by one or more specific objections with proposed resolution in sufficient detail so that the specific wording of the changes that will cause the Do Not Approve voter to change his or her vote to Approve can readily be determined.”

Note –The interpretation of the word “must” in the rule quoted above is that any comment that fails to provide “proposed resolution in sufficient detail so that the specific wording of the changes” is invalid.

In a recirculation ballot, additionally, to be in scope:
• The comment needs to be on changed text,  or
• Text affected by a change elsewhere, or
• Related to text that is the subject of a valid unsatisfied comment (see 2.12) from a previous round of balloting.

TGba Chair

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 3:11 PM Dorothy Stanley <dstanley1389@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
To: IEEE 802.11 Voters,

With this email, the 802.11 Working Group is officially beginning WG Technical Letter Ballot 243 (LB243), which is a Letter Ballot on the question "Should P802.11ba D4.0 be forwarded to Standards Association (SA) Ballot?".

This Letter Ballot opens Friday September 27, 2019 at 23:59 Eastern Time USA (11:59PM) and will close 18 days later on Tuesday October 15, 2019 at 23:59 Eastern Time USA (11:59pm). All necessary documents are available in the instructions that can be found on the IEEE 802.11 web site at .

o This is a 18-day Technical letter ballot and the ballot group (i.e., those that may vote) for this ballot consists of the voters in the ballot pool.
o Please see the list of voters in the LB243 ballot pool at .
o If you cast a "Do not approve" vote on this ballot, it must be accompanied by comments for your vote to be valid.
o You must follow these instructions to vote. Do not send an email to vote. Voting by any method other than the web-based process described here will invalidate your vote.
o Failure to follow these instructions will result in your vote being discarded as an invalid vote.
o Not voting on a letter ballot series or sending an invalid vote can affect your voting privileges.
o The draft is password protected in accordance with IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures.  To obtain the draft, use the username and the password supplied to active members for the 802.11 WG private area.

(The attached file contains a reminder set for 4 days before the close of the ballot.  You may find it helpful to import this into or open this with your calendar client in order to get an automated reminder.)
Thank you for participating in Letter Ballot 243.

Dorothy Stanley, IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair
E-mail: dstanley@xxxxxxxx

Minyoung Park, IEEE 802.11 TGba Chair
E-mail: minyoung.park@xxxxxxxxx

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