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[STDS-802-11] Additional TGay CRC calls on July 1 and July 8 [10-day advanced notice]

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

Since we are still awaiting the volunteers to prepare comments for the remaining 9 CIDs while our calls are scheduled to June 24 (inclusive) only, I am now scheduling the following 2 additional teleconference calls:

10am ET - 11:30am ET, July 1 (Wednesday)
10am ET - 11:30am ET, July 8 (Wednesday)

Our goal is to complete resolving all comments on P802.11ay Draft 5.0 prior to the IEEE 802.11 Working Group electronic plenary meeting in the week of July 13, so that we would ask the Working Group/CRC members to consider approving to go forward for a recirculation SA ballot during the Working Group closing plenary on July 16.  


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