Hi Mark,
Thanks for your comments. I have few short answers below. Let’s discuss during the teleconference.
From: Mark
Rison [mailto:m.rison@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 8:59 AM
To: STDS-802-11@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11] TGm Submission 11-20-0814 -- TC (traffic category/categories)
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Thanks for your further thoughts, Osama.
> > The
discussion was leading to removing TC and update the description on how UP is defined when it is not passed in through the MAC SAP
> the description is already available P299, “The UP is provided with each MSDU at the medium access control
service access point (MAC SAP) either directly, in the UP parameter, or indirectly, in a TSPEC or SCS Descriptor element designated by the UP parameter”. Is there a need for something else? If yes, what is needed?
> Please let me know if other things I need to consider.
When we discussed this in the teleconf, I referred to CID 7796 in 16/0276,
where we had got to:
[osama] I wasn’t part of the discussion of CID 7796 and I don’t know how it was resolved. However CID 7796 scope is
different from the CIDs I submitted. If you think more work on this area is needed then perhaps you can resubmit the comment again.
CID 7796 was:
Proposed change
CID 7796
The distinctions made in the specification w.r.t. TS/TC/TSID/TID are incomprehensible
Make the definitions comprehensible. E.g. what does "UP for either TC or TS" mean?
This seems to me pretty similar to the comments you are resolving in
20/0814, which are essentially about when exactly TS, TC, TSID and TID
are the right terms to use:
Proposed Change
In many places in the draft it is mentioned; "The TID subfield identifies the TC or TS to which
the corresponding MSDU (or fragment thereof) or
A-MSDU in the Frame Body field belongs". It is probably more straightforward to mention that "TID subfield indicates the UP or the TSID..." as per table 9-12.
As in comment
TGm Editor: Please make the following changes (#4145, #4147)
"TID subfield contains the TC or TS for which the BlockAck frame is being requested". In fact the TID doesn't contain the TC
or the TS. It contain the UP or the TSID. The same sentence is repeated in other places of the draft.
Change "TID subfield contains the TC or TS for which the BlockAck frame is being requested." to "TID subfield contains the UP
or TSID for which the BlockAck frame is being requested.".
TGm Editor: Please make the following changes (#4145, #4147)
Table 9-12 - the second row includes; "UP for either TC or TS, regardless of whether admission
control is required". Now the issue is how TID can indicate the priority of a TS when TID is used for indicating UP or TSID? It seems not possible to indicate UP of a TS
Change; "UP for either TC or TS, regardless of whether admission
control is required" to "UP regardless of whether admission
control is required"
TGm Editor: Please make changes in <this document> related to CID 4146
[0sama] I still think my comments have a narrow scope compared to your comment.
· A
TS is a traffic stream
· A
TSPEC is a definition of a traffic stream
· The
UP is a number in the range 0-7 specifying a user priority
· The
TC is a number also in the range 0-7 but identifying a user priority or a frame that is not part of a defined traffic stream (not 100% sure how this differs from a UP, really -- think group response (maybe from
Mark?) was "UP notionally carried across MAC-MAC transport; UP can be mapped to TC either directly or via classifier; ditto on receive. UP carried across SAP, TC is internal mechanism used to achieve this")
· The
TSID is a number in the range 8-15 identifying a defined traffic stream or a frame that is part of this stream (but the frames in this stream are, in EDCA, identified over the air by the UP for that stream)
· The
TID is a number in the range 0-15 that is a UP if it is <8 and is a TSID otherwise
[osama] All this is good and I don’t disagree. However I fail to see how it is related to the CIDs or their resolutions.
I submitted these comments with the hope to remove the confusion arising from adding a parameter (Traffic Category) that doesn’t figure in anything in the spec. It is a redundant parameter and can easily be replaced with UP.
The point of the discussion that occurred and was captured under CID 7796 in 16/0276
is that it was claimed then that TC is not a "redundant parameter" that "can easily
be replaced with UP".
I’d be happy to withdraw my comments if I am the only one confused with the term Traffic Category. As I mentioned
in my presentation before, this term doesn’t have any equivalent in 802.1Q or 802.1D where I believe 802.11e borrowed the concept of UP.
As you can see from my CID 7796 I too find the terms and their intent confusing.
· As
for your statement; “The TSID is a number in the range 8-15 identifying a defined traffic stream or a frame that is part of this stream (but the frames in this stream are, in EDCA,
identified over the air by the UP for that stream)”
This is a very confusing statement. How EDCA can be applied to TS? The UP in the TSPEC element is the UP of the MSDUs
or A-MSDUs belonging to the TS as defined in “UP subfield(#2494) indicates the actual value of the UP to be used for the transport of MSDUs or A-MSDUs belonging to this TS when relative prioritization is required. When the TCLAS element is present in the
request, the UP subfield in TS Info field of the TSPEC element is reserved.” This UP value cannot be included in the TID field because the TID field will include the TSID in this case. Perhaps this one of the areas where the spec is not clear and need
to be clarified, but it is beyond the scope of the CIDs I am resolving.
I'm not sure I can answer this question. I'm hoping maybe the Chair of the ARC SC
(copied) might be able to help. My guess at this point is that there are three paths:
1) Data not subject to a TCLAS or TSPEC just uses UPs throughout. At the MAC SAP
it's called the priority, in QoS Data frames it's in the TID field (so the msb is 0).
TSID and TC are N/A.
2) Data sent under a TSPEC without a TCLAS is associated with a TSID that has b3 set
and a UP. The TSID is used at the MAC SAP, but apparently (per that statement above)
over the air they go out with the UP, not the TSID, in the TID field in the QoS Control
field. TC is N/A.
3) Data sent under a TSPEC with an associated TCLAS has a TSID and no UP per se.
It has a TC, which is then used in the TID field in the QoS Control field.
It's possible that for the latter two cases the ADDBA uses the TSID not the
UP as the TID. At this point I'm floundering, and again hoping some ARC guru
can rescue me.
[osama] I think the spec is not clear here and needs to be fixed.
· BA
is set up and identified on a per-UP (not per-TSID) basis [think group response was "No, can be TSID (see e.g. 669.65). In case of TS can have TCLAS. Use TC if no TSPEC in ADDBA Req, use TS(ID) otherwise"] even
for defined traffic streams (hm, so why 16 replay counters? Or maybe you can have BAs under HCCA/HEMM/SPCA/SEMM?)
So at least then the direction was that you couldn't just delete TC
because it was involved in TCLASes. I thought you were going to go
off and examine this point.
[osama] I don’t know you reference. P669.65 in draft 3.0 doesn’t have any text. I am not sure what you are referring
to. My recollection is the TCLAS never been mentioned during the discussion. Theminutes doesn’t include any reference to TCLAS. I looked at clause of draft 3.0 and there is no mention of traffic category in the context of TCLAS element even though
there is a UP field.
16/0276 is "Resolutions for some comments on 11mc/D5.0 (SBmc1)" so I
think that's where you'd need to look at 669.65.
[Also, I don't understand the concept of a "frame UP" (CID 4145/4147) or
"MSDU or A-MPDU UP" (CID 4146) you are apparently trying to introduce.]
[osama] I think we can come up with a better name if frame UP is confusing. I’ll think of something and present to
the group.
OK. (Are you suggesting we're going to have multiple flavours of UP?
A frame/MPDU UP, and an MSDU or A-MPDU UP?)
[osama] No, I
don’t intend to introduce multiple flavors of UP. I’ll see what language is used in the draft and use it.
Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN English/Esperanto/Français
Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre Tel: +44 1223 434600
Innovation Park, Cambridge CB4 0DS Fax: +44 1223 434601
ROYAUME UNI WWW: http://www.samsung.com/uk
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Hello All,
I’d like to start an e.mail discussion on doc 11-20/0814 which I presented on June 5.
From the teleconference minutes:
https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/20/11-20-0858-02-000m-telecon-minutes-for-revmd-crc-june-3-5-2020.docx Two instances of Traffic Categories are not included in the proposed changes that will need to be added. ""Other
"traffic category" locations; P275.13 and P299.24
[osama] I have looked in drafts 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2 and couldn’t find these occurrences. Can someone point them to me, Note that my reference is draft 3.0 The
discussion was leading to removing TC and update the description on how UP is defined when it is not passed in through the MAC SAP
[osama] the description is already available P299, “The UP is provided with each MSDU at the medium access
control service access point (MAC SAP) either directly, in the UP parameter, or indirectly, in a TSPEC or SCS Descriptor element designated by the UP parameter”. Is there a need for something else? If yes, what is needed?
Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN English/Esperanto/Français
Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre Tel: +44 1223 434600
Innovation Park, Cambridge CB4 0DS Fax: +44 1223 434601
ROYAUME UNI WWW: http://www.samsung.com/uk
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