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[STDS-802-11] Forward Error Correction question related to FAA RemoteID Final Rules

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---


Over in the ASTM F38.02 discussions we are grappling with the FAA requiring FEC for Remote ID Broadcast (for unmanned aircraft systems, UAS).  The final rules were finally published Dec 28, 2020.

Work to support the FAA rules (led by ASTM) is specifying Bluetooth 4 & 5 and WiFi NAN on FAA and EASA earlier recommendations.

IEEE 802.11-2016 does specify FEC for some PHY.  My question is specifically about the PHY(s) used for NAN (which is only starting to come out in phones to observe the messages from the UA).

Assistance greatly appreciated!

For Bluetooth 4, we use the ASTM Authentication Message that 'chains' together up to 10 Broadcast frames and then our IETF DRIP work: which includes FEC for lost frames.  Can't do it for individual ASTM messages of 1 BT4 frame.

For Bluetooth 5, there seems to be FEC built in.  Or so those working with BT5 report.

BTW, I miss working with you all!  Right now Unmanned Aircraft is eating up all the time I want to spend.

Bob Moskowitz


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