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[STDS-802-11] Upcoming ARC teleconferences

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---



As agreed at the 802.11 interim session last week, ARC SC will have the following teleconferences between now and the March plenary:


    • 2 teleconferences on ESS/HeSS topic (preparing liaison to REVme)
      • Feb 1, 12:00 noon ET, 2 hours
      • Mar 1, 13:00 ET, 2 hours (* A motion to approve the liaison to REVme is expected on this call)
    • 2 teleconferences on TGbe architecture topics, in Monday 7pm slot (on weeks when TGbe is not using the slot)
      • Feb 8, 19:00 ET, 2 hours
      • Feb 22, 19:00 ET, 2 hours


Announcement of applicable policies and procedures: see


Let me know if there are any additional topics/agenda items requested for ARC.



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