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Re: [STDS-802-11] ePoll survey now open re: 2021 September member input; open for 10 days, closes 2021-04-24

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---



I am sorry to confirm the situation.



Best regards,



De : HARRY BIMS [mailto:00000e81c4f2fedd-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Envoyé : jeudi 15 avril 2021 01:52
À : STDS-802-11@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : Re: [STDS-802-11] ePoll survey now open re: 2021 September member input; open for 10 days, closes 2021-04-24


--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

Hi Dorothy,


Below is what the ePoll Survey looks like when I click on the link.  It doesn’t clearly give me a Yes/No choice to the two questions.







14-Apr-2021 19:49:45 ET


ePoll Survey

2021 September Member Input: 

Please respond to the 2 questions in this poll regarding the upcoming 2021 September Wireless Interim meeting, currently planned for Waikoloa, Hawaii. Your responses will be used as one of several inputs to the decision process by the IEEE 802 Wireless Chairs committee, to determine if the meeting will be held in person or electronically.
A hybrid session (combination of in-person and electronic participants) is currently not possible for the 2021 September 802 Wireless Interim for the following reasons:
1. A hybrid session solution requires every meeting room to be configured as a standalone video production studio to provide real time audio and video streaming solutions for remote participants.
2. Each hybrid meeting room would require in room integrated sound systems, audio mixers, standalone video cameras, dedicated production laptops, video conferencing software and a technician to monitor and manage the video and audio streams and network connections.
3. The cost to support a single hybrid meeting room at a typical on-site session venue for a week is estimated to be in excess of $USD 10,000.
4. An interim session with 10 hybrid meeting rooms would be prohibitively expensive (> $USD 100,000 extra). This does not include the added costs of planning, logistics, bandwidth and streaming servers.
The 2 poll questions are below:


Question 1:
If the 2021 September 802 Wireless Interim is held in-person only, will you be able to attend in-person the 2021 September 802 Wireless Interim scheduled to be held at the Hilton Waikoloa Village in Waikoloa, Hawaii, US? (Assuming that you are willing, your company will authorize it, US Visa can be obtained, and travel can be arranged)
Note 1: The 2021 Sept 802 Wireless Interim will be either in-person, or electronic, but not a combination of the two methods.
Note 2: Keep in mind that all government/airline travel restrictions/requirements will need to be adhered to during your travel to/from the in-person session.


Question 2:
Without any income for the past year, the 802 Wireless treasury has been funding costs associated with supporting 802 Wireless activities (session contracting costs - both in person and electronic, group costs, etc.) from the reserves. If the 2021 Sept 802 Wireless Interim is held electronically only, will a meeting registration fee prohibit you from participating? (Due to lack of affiliation financial support)
Note 3: The current planned registration fee schedule is expected to be $50 for early and $75 for late.
Thank you for responding to this poll.

[ ]

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On Apr 14, 2021, at 4:09 PM, Dorothy Stanley <dstanley1389@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

Dear 802.11 members,



Please respond to the 2 questions in this poll regarding the upcoming 2021 September Wireless Interim meeting, currently planned for Waikoloa, Hawaii.
Your responses will be used as one of several inputs to the decision process by the IEEE 802 Wireless Chairs committee, to determine if the meeting will be held in person or electronically.

The poll is available here: .

Check the little box below each question to indicate "Yes". A blank box will indicate "No".


A hybrid session (combination of in-person and electronic participants) is currently not possible for the 2021 September 802 Wireless Interim for the following reasons:

1.       A hybrid session solution requires every meeting room to be configured as a standalone video production studio to provide real time audio and video streaming solutions for remote participants.

2.       Each hybrid meeting room would require in room integrated sound systems, audio mixers, standalone video cameras, dedicated production laptops, video conferencing software and a technician to monitor and manage the video and audio streams and network connections.

3.       The cost to support a single hybrid meeting room at a typical on-site session venue for a week is estimated to be in excess of $USD 10,000.  

4.       An interim session with 10 hybrid meeting rooms would be prohibitively expensive (> $USD 100,000 extra). This does not include the added costs of planning, logistics, bandwidth and streaming servers.

The 2 poll questions are below:

Question 1:

If the 2021 September 802 Wireless Interim is held in-person only, will you be able to attend in-person the 2021 September 802 Wireless Interim scheduled to be held at the Hilton Waikoloa Village in Waikoloa, Hawaii, US? (Assuming that you are willing, your company will authorize it, US Visa can be obtained, and travel can be arranged)


Note 1: The 2021 Sept 802 Wireless Interim will be either in-person, or electronic, but not a combination of the two methods.

Note 2: Keep in mind that all government/airline travel restrictions/requirements will need to be adhered to during your travel to/from the in-person session.

Question 2:

Without any income for the past year, the 802 Wireless treasury has been funding costs associated with supporting 802 Wireless activities (session contracting costs - both in person and electronic, group costs, etc.) from the reserves. If the 2021 Sept 802 Wireless Interim is held electronically only, will a meeting registration fee prohibit you from participating? (Due to lack of affiliation financial support)


Note 3: The current planned registration fee schedule is expected to be $50 for early and $75 for late.

Thank you for responding to this poll. 


Let me know of any questions,






Dorothy Stanley
IEEE 802.11 WG Chair,
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

+1 630-363-1389

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