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Re: [STDS-802-11] ASTM Unmanned Aircraft Remote ID messages via BEACON frames

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Hello Bob,

The upcoming WG11 May interim meeting, to be held electronically is May 10-18, see the detailed calendar at and .

The closing plenary on May 18th is a possibility.
Of course email is always available; should a more detailed discussion be needed, a WG11 ad-hoc group with a very limited focus is also an option.

Best regards,


On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 5:38 AM Robert Moskowitz <rgm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Just caught your note.  I am getting with the ASTM team and we will see what we can do.  Is there a later date for something, but soonish?

Or we can just handle it via email.  We have an ASTM Google meet call today at 11am ET.


On 5/3/21 4:08 PM, Dorothy Stanley wrote:
Hello Bob,

I am happy to invite yourself or another appropriate contact to present to the 802.11 WG on this ASTM unmanned aircraft application
either in WNG or at a WG11 plenary, and to support determining what might be needed from WG11.

An "OID" might be at the RAC level, or internal to the 802.11 ANA.
Organization Identifier Field values (per IEEE Std 802.11-2020 clause are typically obtained from the IEEE
Registration Authority (RAC).

If an IEEE 802.11 ANA value is needed, we can certainly review and process the request.
The current WG11 Assigned Numbers Authority (ANA) document, maintained by Robert Stacey,
is , should an 802.11 managed resource be requested.

Thanks very much, best regards,


Dorothy Stanley
IEEE 802.11 WG Chair,
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

+1 630-363-1389

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 6:20 PM Robert Moskowitz <rgm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

This is concerning work being done in ASTM F38.02 on ver 1.1 of the
Remote ID standard.

The current version sends the Remote ID messages over Bluetooth 4
Advertisement Frames, BT 5 long range, or WiFi NAN.

In France they have worked out a scheme and are pushing it in ASD STAN
to use the Vendor IE in BEACONs.  Others like Skydio have jumped on this
approach.  It doesn't seem too bad, but aren't the devils always lurking
in the details?

Think about 50 - 100 UAs (Unmanned Aircraft, i.e. Drones) overhead
sending out these BEACONs.  The current thought is to use a random SSID
for each UA.  Works fine in testing to the apps on some devices...  But
I am thinking about all the non-participating (that is they do not have
a UA Remote ID app) devices seeing all these beacons and what it will do
to their SSID table?

My thought is that there should be a standard SSID used by all UAs
world-wide.  Something short to keep the frame size down.  Can't be
unique for UA use only, but that is OK.

Then what about the Country IE.  Should this be sent?  It is one way to
keep each country for insisting on its own SSID and then needing a
registry of said SSIDs for the apps.

Of course ASTM would have to come to 802 to get an OID as well (I dont'
know what they are using in France right now).

Any other IE to bring up in the discussion?  We have a teleconference

Thank you for any advice.



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