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Dorothy Stanley
IEEE 802.11 WG Chair, dstanley@xxxxxxxx
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
+1 630-363-1389
From: ***** IEEE 802 Executive Committee List ***** [mailto:STDS-802-SEC@xxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Paul Nikolich
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 8:11 AM
To: STDS-802-SEC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802SEC] please remind your group participants to vote in the annual IEEE election
Dear EC Members,
The IEEE 2021 Annual Election period opened 16 August, there are a number of important governance positions that I'd like to remind you and your group participants in which to cast a ballot; IEEE Technical Activities VP, IEEE Computer Society positions, IEEE Standards Association President-Elect and IEEE Standards Association Member-at-Large. This is an excellent opportunity for IEEE 802 constituents to select that candidates they believe will best serve them and 802.
I've attached all the relevant ballot notices.
Thank you and Regards,
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--- Begin Message ---Title: IEEE Master email
- To: <p.nikolich@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: IEEE Annual Election - Standards Association President-Elect Candidates
- From: IEEE Elections <ieee-elections@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2021 13:01:07 -0500 (CDT)
IEEE Standards Association President-Elect
The 2021 IEEE Annual Election will start on 16 August and end on 1 October 2021 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time USA (16:00 UTC).
Information about the IEEE Standards Association President-Elect candidates can be found here. The listing of the candidates was determined by a lottery process, and indicates no preference.
Candidates for 2022 IEEE Standards Association President-Elect are as follows:
- Robby Robson (Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)
- Yatin Trivedi (Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)
- Mark Epstein (Nominated by Petition)
- Yu Yuan (Nominated by Petition)
To learn more about IEEE elections go to
(Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)
Meet Robby by watching this brief video.
IEEE-SA members are the leading producers of market-driven open consensus standards that impact every aspect of our lives. We have helped launch entire industries and contribute significantly to the IEEE mission. To sustain and build on this success, the IEEE-SA must serve a greater number of IEEE societies, geographies, industries, and communities while increasing support for members and working groups with tools and staff. In the aftermath of a pandemic and in the face of rapid social, economic, and technological change, this will require agility, invention, collaboration, and hard work.
I am passionate about the IEEE-SA and honored by the opportunity to lead it. I bring standards experience, business and leadership skills, and a record of successfully launching and managing initiatives within the Computer Society and IEEE-SA. As IEEE-SA President-Elect, I will collaborate with industry, IEEE OUs, and global stakeholders to ensure our value is recognized and promoted. I will advocate for volunteers, increase openness and transparency, support new and existing technical areas, and strive to create high-quality market-relevant products and services that expand our reach, support our work, and secure the future of IEEE-SA. I ask for your vote so that I may have the privilege of doing this.
(Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)
Meet Yatin by watching this brief video.
Technology standards help build interoperable solutions that improve lives independent of geographical, political, language, and cultural barriers. Worldwide volunteer participation in IEEE SA standards development groups clearly demonstrates this.
SA provides the basis of operational excellence for our global, open, and transparent organization. We need to keep SA in sync with rapid advances in technology use, changes in legal and business systems, and our goal of serving humanity to maintain this excellence.
For the past 14 years, I’ve had the good fortune of working globally with some of the best SA volunteers and awesome staff. Guiding its financial management as Treasurer, I ensured SA grew by investing strategically in long-term initiatives without undue risks.
As SA President, my key focus areas will be to:
- Expand SA beyond its traditional technology focus into standards’ impact on society through initiatives like ethical challenges in AI or open-source collaborative development
- Grow SA’s flagship Corporate Program in emerging technologies to benefit the next generation of solution developers
- Improve the financial sustainability of SA through innovative products and services
I need your help to achieve these goals as SA President, and I seek your support to serve the standards community. Thank you.
(Nominated by Petition)Senior Vice President – Consultant
Qualcomm Incorporated
San Diego, California, USA
Meet Mark by watching this brief video.
I have worked for many years to ensure that the IEEE Standards Association is the internationally recognized premier venue for creation and development of technically excellent and market-relevant standards I am running to continue the success of the IEEE Standards Association and make it even better.
I pledge as your President to work hard to:
- Provide greater value to you by increasing investment in modern state-of-the-art standards development platform tools and staff support. This will reduce the time you spend on the mechanics of drafting documents and on doing document and meeting management so you can focus on producing higher quality content
- Improve standards management processes to make them much more open and allow for more consensus in developing or changing the rules under which standards are developed
- Improve our standards products by improving the quality of standards processes so that all IEEE standards better meet market needs
- Attract more technologies by demonstrating the added value of using the IEEE to prepare standards
- Make our work more valuable by enhancing the international reputation of IEEE standards
- Advocate for openness, fairness and diversity of our volunteer leadership
(Nominated by Petition)
President & CEO
0xSenses Corporation
Marina del Rey, California, USA
Meet Yu by watching this brief video.
Being an active volunteer in IEEE and IEEE SA for 10+ years, I believe that IEEE SA has the opportunity for a significant growth and a much stronger global influence, and our members deserve better services and recognitions. IEEE SA could/should:
- Strive to make the efforts of IEEE standards developers better recognized internally within IEEE (e.g., fellow elevation) and externally throughout the world.
- Significantly improve membership benefits and satisfaction.
- Better address and satisfy the different needs/expectations from all kinds of stakeholders: big companies/institutions, small/medium-sized businesses, individual developers/consultants, etc. in various industries/markets.
- Find more and better ways for individuals to participate in entity-based standards projects while maintaining and developing the unique features of the entity program.
- More fairly encourage, support, and protect innovation in standards and standards development processes.
- More positively and constructively support standards developers and volunteers, Working Groups, Standards Committees, and TA Societies/Councils (less judging, more encouraging; less politics, more openness).
Please visit for my detailed plan. With an open mind and an open heart, I look forward to listening to you and working closely with you to make IEEE SA a better home and a better platform for all of us. Thank you for your kind consideration.
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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---Title: IEEE Master email
- To: <p.nikolich@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: IEEE Annual Election - IEEE Technical Activities Vice President-Elect Candidates
- From: IEEE Elections <ieee-elections@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 16:05:03 -0500 (CDT)
IEEE Technical Activities Vice President-Elect
The 2021 IEEE Annual Election will start on 16 August and end at 12:00 pm Eastern Time USA (16:00 UTC) on 1 October 2021.
Information about the IEEE Technical Activities Vice President-Elect candidates can be found here. The listing of the candidates was determined by a lottery process, and indicates no preference.
Candidates for 2022 IEEE Technical Activities Vice President-Elect are as follows:
• Maciej J. Ogorzalek (nominated by IEEE Technical Activities)
• John P. Verboncoeur (nominated by IEEE Technical Activities)
To learn more about the election go to
(Nominated by IEEE Technical Activities)
Professor and Department Head
Department of Information TechnologiesInstitute of Applied Computer ScienceFaculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer ScienceJagiellonian UniversityKrakow, PolandMeet Maciej by watching this brief video.
- The pandemic is impacting the future of IEEE and Technical Activities. We have a year-long experience operating in a remote way with significant changes to our meetings, events, and conferences. Remote participation gives special opportunities for enlarging the audiences, encouraging involvement of under-represented communities, closing the gender gap and also changing the perspective on the importance of engineering and STEM subjects. We have to enhance this kind of experience in view of climate change.
- I will lead TAB and its units to attack emerging problems: water, air, earth conditions require disruptive solutions. Environmental changes and resource shortages will have disturbing effects on our lives. New ways of operation, new technologies, products and actions are on the top of my agenda.
- TAB has to provide excellent service on every scale - from local chapters and groups of interest to global perspective. My Motto: Act locally - think globally!
- Chapter support is crucial. Significant improvements of horizontal and vertical communication between and within OUs will help to solve local problems.
I have in-depth experience in TAB operations. I will strive to bring new solutions for the above-mentioned challenges and implement them in a collegial spirit.
(Nominated by IEEE Technical Activities)
Associate Dean for Research; and
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan, USAMeet John by watching a brief video.
Responsible for ~80% of IEEE revenues, TAB through its 46 Societies and Councils delivers value to the global technical community through top quality publications, conferences, and other technical products and services. My leadership philosophy is building consensus among inclusive stakeholders for win-win outcomes. Key priorities include:
- New Audiences: engage >4M members of our diverse technical community, including engineers, computer scientists, technicians, Young Professionals, practitioners and entrepreneurs. Increase diversity in gender, ethnicity, and geographic reach.
- New and Enhanced Events, Products, Services: provide best-in-class value through Innovation such as South by Southwest, DataPort, Powered by IEEE, Roadmaps, and personalized experiences in our existing products and services, in addition to best in class events. Enhance existing tools like Xplore with new functionality from personalization to data connectivity using AI to leverage the IEEE portfolio.
- Emerging, cross-cutting, and geographically relevant activities: delivered via improved organizational units, streamlining the lifecycle process for new entities to enable volunteers to focus on technical excellence rather than bureaucracy.
- Operational Excellence: Efficiency and transparency lead to productive volunteers and staff collaborating on innovation.
I look forward to your feedback and support.
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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---Title: IEEE Master email
- To: <p.nikolich@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: IEEE Annual Election - Division VIII Candidates
- From: IEEE Elections <ieee-elections@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2021 12:32:02 -0500 (CDT)
IEEE Division VIII Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect
The 2021 IEEE Annual Election will start on 16 August and end at 12:00 pm Eastern Time USA (16:00 UTC) on 1 October 2021.
Information about the IEEE Division VIII Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect candidates can be found here. The listing of the candidates was determined by a lottery process, and indicates no preference.
Candidates for 2022 IEEE Division VIII Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect are as follows:
- Leila De Floriani (Nominated by IEEE Division VIII)
- Sorel Reisman (Nominated by IEEE Division VIII)
To learn more about the election go to
(Nominated by IEEE Division VIII)Professor
University of Maryland at College Park
College Park, Maryland, USA
IEEE is a global leader in science, engineering, and technology with a mission to serve both researchers and practitioners. In the post-Covid era, I believe that we need to respond to new challenges, by making them opportunities for growth:
• Enhance inclusiveness by promoting membership diversity through outreach activities and involvement of underrepresented groups as volunteers in publications, conferences, and governance.
• Define new strategies for engaging the IEEE community, through personalized benefits, specifically focusing on younger generations.
• Lead in open science and open access, changing the business model for journal and conference publications and expanding services offered
• Develop sustainable financial models for hybrid conferences to provide unprecedented opportunities for geographic expansion in attendance and increasing gender diversity.
• Engage on a worldwide basis researchers and practitioners in emerging areas of science, engineering and technology.I believe I am uniquely positioned to contribute effectively to the continued growth of the IEEE. If elected, I will draw on my professional background and experience as 2020 Computer Society President to address these challenges. For additional information, please visit: https://defloriani-2022-ieee-division-viii-director-elect-candidate.umiacsio/.
(Nominated by IEEE Division VIII)
Professor Emeritus of Information Systems
California State University Fullerton
Fullerton, California, USA
The CS and IEEE have been essential to the development of my professional career. I cherish my membership in the Institute and the friends my family and I have made through my decades-long volunteer activities. We are saddened by the pandemic's effect on our personal relationships and on the kinds of actions that’ve been necessary to move through this challenging period. Post-Zoom, we look forward to when we can meet directly, face-to-face, to address institutional challenges that existed before the pandemic and the new ones that have arisen because of it.
I have served on many committees concerned with, for example, the effects of open access on our publications; challenges regarding intellectual property and plagiarism; the future of real, virtual, and hybrid conferences; and membership diversity. I have extensive, hands-on experience on issues that will affect, in the years to come, all our colleagues – both members and non-members. I urge you to vote for me so that I can apply my expertise and experience to develop policies, practices, products, and services to address our post-pandemic lives.
To remove yourself from receiving 2021 IEEE Annual Election candidate notices please click here.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
- To: <computer-election@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: 2021 IEEE Computer Society Election – Begins 16 August
- From: IEEE Computer Society Election Coordinator <ieee-computervote@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2021 10:21:56 -0400
9 August 2021
Dear IEEE Computer Society Member,
We are sending this email message on behalf of the IEEE Computer Society because you are a current Society Member eligible to vote in the upcoming election.
This serves to notify voting Members that you will receive your IEEE Computer Society ballot material electronically for voting in the IEEE Computer Society Election on 16 August 2021 from ieee-computervote@xxxxxxxx.
If you receive this message and would like to cast your ballot electronically, you need do nothing more. On 16 August 2021, you will receive another email (sent to this same email address) with election instructions and a link for voting online. The voting period will begin on 16 August and end on 20 September 2021 (12:00 Noon EDT USA / 16:00 UTC time).
If you prefer to have the paper ballot material mailed to you, please e-mail your name, address, member number and reference the Computer Society election ballot to ieee-computervote@xxxxxxxx or call +1 732 562 3904. When the election ballots are sent out, your ballot will be physically mailed to you rather than sent electronically.
If you have any questions please contact ieee-computervote@ieeeorg or +1 732 562 3904.
Thank you.
IEEE Society Election Staff
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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---Title: IEEE Master email
- To: <p.nikolich@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: IEEE Annual Election - IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors Member-at-Large Candidates
- From: IEEE Elections <ieee-elections@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 13:00:30 -0500 (CDT)
IEEE Standards Association
Board of Governors Member-at-Large
The 2021 IEEE Annual Election will start on 16 August and end at 12:00 pm Eastern Time USA (16:00 UTC) on 1 October 2021.
Information about the IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors Member-at-Large candidates can be found here. Candidates are listed in the order the names appear on the IEEE Annual Election ballot and indicates no preference.
Candidates for 2022-2023 IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors Member-at-Large are:
Position 1:
- Kishik Park (Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)
- Glenn W. Parsons (Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)
Position 2:
To learn more about the election go to
- Sha Wei (Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)
- Mehmet Ulema (Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)
KISHIK PARK(Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)
Vice-President & CSO
Destin Power Inc.
Naju-city, South Korea (Republic of Korea)
I have volunteered time to make IEEE a better place many years, especially for the IEEE Standards Association. I understand the major issues we are facing in IEEE-SA during my 8-year term of SA BOG Member.
If you give me an opportunity to serve as an IEEE BOG member, I will do my best to promote IEEE-SA activities, especially in Asian regions as well as in Korea based on my experiences so far, such as Secretary General for Asian IT Ministers’ Conference, an Advisory Board Member of ASTAP (APT Standardization Program), President / Korea National Committee for IT Application and Services Standards, and Member of National Standards Committee of Korea, in cooperation with many friendly experts in Asian region countries including China and Japan.
In particular, I would like to make more efforts to strengthen more active and closer collaboration between Asian countries and IEEE-SA in various global standardization issues.
(Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)Principal Standardization Advisor
Ericsson Canada, Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Standards developing practitioners have rapidly pivoted to electronic meetings and have maintained the same level of productivity through their extra dedication and commitment. That additional workload is not sustainable, and we must ensure that the governance of a “new normal” supports efficient working methods that drive collaboration and consensus.
We must focus on empowering our strong technical base and driving innovation to support how we conduct meetings and conferences. While there are motivations to retain electronic meetings, we must find a balance with efficiency and volunteer workload. We must continue to ensure that IEEE-SA is recognized as a favorable venue to create technically excellent standards that are globally relevant.
I bring to the board my broad experience in these areas, as well as first-hand experience in the sensibilities and sensitivities of many international standards organizations and stakeholders, which can drive an ongoing improvement of IEEE-SA.
(Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)Vice Director/Senior Engineer
China Electronics Standardization Institute
Beijing, China
Standardization is an art of making consensus. My education and working experiences have filled me with professional standardization strategies on achieving such goals with different stakeholders. Firstly, I come from the country with the largest number of corporate members of IEEE SA, giving me the natural sense to understand them and strengthen the impact of IEEE SA. Secondly, my education background in the birthplace of IEEE SA helps me cooperate with the largest number of individual members of IEEE SA. Together, I could build bridges between the two forces. Thirdly, I have also learnt how to face the challenges and enhance sustainability from six-year international standardization experiences, and multi-lateral collaborations with European countries. Fourthly, my leadership in AI, Digital Twins and Smart Manufacturing helps me embrace new technologies and opportunities for standardization. I am willing to serve in BoG with these experiences and grow with IEEE SA in the future.
(Nominated by IEEE Standards Association)Professor of Computer Information Systems
Manhattan College
Riverdale, New York, USA
While IEEE SA has a world-class platform for creating standards, industry requires other kinds of consensus building tools in today's fast-paced competitive environment. These include activities like open-source software, industry alliance incubation, and post-standard conformance and compliance. In addition, it is critically important to reach out to vertical industries directly in order to build on the strengths in SA's corporate/entity membership program. If elected, I will work hard to support the SA to expand its activities in the areas I mentioned above. With my academic and industrial experience as well as my experience in standardization, I am confident that I will contribute significantly to support IEEE SA in fulfilling its mission.
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