During today's 802.11 PAR Review SC Telecon, I missed adding in my personal feedback for the PAR.
- Amendment: Media Access Control Parameters, Physical Layers and Management
Parameters for 200 Gb/s, 400 Gb/s, 800 Gb/s, and 1.6 Tb/s Operation, PAR and CSD
If 5.2a, you define MAC and PHY acronyms, so in 5.2b you could use MAC and PHY rather then spell them out...
Also I note that you do repeat the MAC definition, but did not for the PHY (physical Layer).
Also not sure why the semicolon, (I note that I am not expert on the use.)
What is in 5.2b:
"Define Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) parameters, physical layer specifications; and management parameters"
"5.2b: Define Ethernet MAC and PHY layer specifications and management parameters....."
personal comments