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Re: [STDS-802-11] Suggested P802.11-2020/Cor1 change

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Hi Robert,
With that explanation, I would say the change is out of scope of a corrigendum. As described (inconsistency with an external spec) it is not an error in the standard, but a desired change.  
If it had been consistent with the WFA specs prior to the revision and was inadvertently changed subsequently, then it might be within the definition of a corrigendum. That is not what the description below states, however, and taken as stated (which may not be what you meant?).

From: Stacey, Robert <robert.stacey@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 10:06 AM
To: STDS-802-11@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <STDS-802-11@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [STDS-802-11] Suggested P802.11-2020/Cor1 change
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

Hello Members,


On the Editors meeting yesterday, we reviewed the corrigendum. There was some concern that the origin of Table 9-321 onto which the changes are applied is not clear. In particularly, there was some confusion around why there are two rows with value 6.


One suggestion was to add more detail to the Introduction. I am proposing the following change (addition of the blue underline text):


This corrigendum to IEEE Std 802.11-2020 as amended by IEEE Std 802.11ax-2021, IEEE Std 802.11ay-
2021, and IEEE Std 802.11ba-2021 corrects an error in the position of the Protected Announce Support field
in the Extended RSN Capabilities field in the RSN Extension element.
Bit position 6, as defined in

IEEE Std 802.11ay-2021, is in conflict with the allocation of bit position 6 to the Wi-Fi Alliance. This

corrigendum moves the Protected Announce Support field to position 11.


If you have any comments on this change, email me directly. I will compile the input and re distribute to the reflector.





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