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[STDS-802-11] 802.11 ARC liaison to TGme, on Clause 6

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---





The 802.11 ARC SC completed our work to “re-write” subclause 6.3 (converting ~400 pages of mostly boilerplate into < 50(?) pages of the useful content), and we have approved document, which is being liaised to TGme for their consideration in response to comments received on the REVme D1.0 letter ballot.


This material needs review, by SMEs in any particular MLME/MAC facility, to ensure that no necessary information to be communicated across the MLME SAP has been lost in this restructuring.  ARC spent many hours over the last several meetings, trying to make sure nothing was lost, but we continue to notice little things, as the existing text is both stale (and not well maintained) and at time convoluted. 


So, for any facility for which you have expertise and/or particular interest, please review that all the technical details that are currently captured somewhere in 6.3 will be reproduced in the new structure.\


Thank you all/all SMEs for the help!



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