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[STDS-802-11] FYI - IEEE P3400: Inclusive language working group

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear 802.18 members,
cc. 802.11 and 802.15 members,

At the end of the THU AM1 meeting last Thursday (14 July), we briefly discussed the importance of inclusive language and the recent related activities in Europe.  We also mentioned a recently established new Working Group, P3400 (Inclusive language working group), managed by BOG/SESCom - Strategic and Emerging Standards Committee.

For details on this new working group, you can
1) read the PAR at:
2) visit their Working Group website for recent activities at:

Jodi, who is our 802.18 program manager (PM), is also the PM of this working group.  Please feel free to reach out to her for details.


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