Dear 802.11, 802.15, and 802.18 members,
Since the formation of the IEEE 802.18 IEEE Statement Update on Spectrum (ISUS) ad-hoc on 25 July 2022, Amelia (the ad-hoc chair) and the ad-hoc has met twice and discussed on a few way forward options to revise the IEEE SA position statement "Intelligent Spectrum Allocation and Management" of which there are significant mentions on IEEE 802.11 and 802.15 technologies.
The ad-hoc has completed a significant milestone in establishing a scope statement that is related to target audiences of this revised statement. For details, you can refer to the ad-hoc agenda slide deck
(18-22/0084r2) but I also copy the proposed scope statement here for your convenience:
- We're expecting IEEE-SA/IEEE Public Policy team to be doing high-level engagement (e.g. with non-technical experts in various governance institutions, governments, ministers, political appointees, etc.). Our document should support these activities with respect to representing the work of IEEE 802 technologies that use unlicensed spectrum.
- We expect that subject matter experts from IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG (or similar) will, also in future, be the ones engaging with technical sub-groups at e.g. regulators on specific substance matter issues that require more in-depth knowledge about specific technical developments, requirements or market needs.
- This would suggest the document that we produce in ISUS should be a "high level overview" of the IEEE 802 family of standards:
- We will need references to some particularly strong brand-names, like Wi-Fi (footnote? Paragraph? Make the connection)
- Other 802 technologies may not be as strongly connected with particular consumer brands. They are more often embedded in consumer products but not identified with a particular consumer brand
- Link applications with technologies from 802 --> they use spectrum, share spectrum, co-existence, highlight 802.19 etc
- Unlicensed spectrum technologies is something that we contribute to and use and we provide technologies in this space, everyone is using them
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to Amelia and/or participate in the ad-hoc call that is scheduled weekly every Monday, from 11:00am ET to 12:00pm ET. You can refer to the
IEEE 802.18 Google Calendar or the call-in info slide deck (
18-16/0038r24) for the Webex call-in information.
Thanks and Regards,
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